Disease that makes you look like gollum from lord of the rings
Disease that makes you look like gollum from lord of the rings

disease that makes you look like gollum from lord of the rings

So I've always thought of myself as being up on screen. Not the first one so much because that was more animated, but when we started working on the Two Towers Peter wanted to re-design the face so that the facial muscle structures are the same and I was really controlling every movement of Gollum. But I never think of it in terms of 'I finally get see myself on film' because the way that we crafted Gollum I see myself on screen, certainly in Two Towers. This movie we finally get to see you as the actor, not just as Gollum It was great for the character because you finally get to see the back history to Gollum and see him before he became corrupted by the ring so that was really important for the journey of the character. But really it's because of the emotional content of all of the performances and because this film has a huge amount of heart and all the characters have their resolution and it's kind of painful to see it all coming to an end.

disease that makes you look like gollum from lord of the rings

It was very emotional and I suppose because partly it represents the end of an era. Seeing it in that theatre was fantastic it's where a lot of the dailies were screened, it's been our cinema, so to actually finally see it with some of the cast was an extraordinary event and we were all in tears really. There was a cast screening at the studio. What did you think of the movie? It was extraordinary, it was very emotional. CATHY ARONSON talks to Andy Serkis, the actor who plays Smeagol and Gollum, the hobbit who is transformed into a grotesque creature by the evil power of the ring. The Lord of the Rings stars are in Wellington for The Return of the King premiere tonight.

Disease that makes you look like gollum from lord of the rings